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The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search results

1 Million URLs Reveal Top Ranking Factors

Matthew Barby has analyzed 1 million URLs ranking on page 1 of Google to determine the factors that contribute to higher rankings. One of these factors: "The presence of keywords in the page title and URL is crucial." What worked in 2010 is still working today. More

Which Content Types Work Best for SEO?

Rand Fishkin has analyzed hundreds of SERPs. His main take-aways for me: Learn from who's already ranking, then find a way to get a competitive advantage from the content format they are using. Use a multi-keyword approach instead of a single keyword term or phrase. More

How to Dominate Local SEO

Sherry Bonelli explains how recent changes to the local search landscape point to an ever-changing discipline that requires increasingly complex strategies. This was new to me: "If you want to compete locally, you need to focus on putting local content on your website." More

16 Steps to Boost Your Google Rankings

David McSweeney suggests a SEO audit process that takes about an hour to conduct and comprises 16 steps. My favorite is #2: "Only one [website address] should be accessible in a browser. The others should be 301 redirected to the canonical version." More

Product Page Optimization Best Practices

Stoney deGeyte outlines how he optimizes product pages, especially how he avoids duplicate content issues on the way. "Ideally, you'll have a single product page / URL that allows the visitor to select their size, color, or any other variations being offered." More

Best SEO Tools for 2016

Brian Dean has compiled a list of 184 tools in one place that help anyone improve their search engine rankings. It can be filtered by category, for example to only show backlink analysis tools or only free tools. My favorite is Webtexttool in the 'Content Optimization' section. More

204 SEO Tips in a Beginner-friendly Guide

David McSweeney has written a SEO guide for beginners. It contains 204 tips ranging from keyword research and on-page SEO to link building and Google penalty recovery. My favorite is #189: "Find high-ranking keywords with below-average CTR, then boost their traffic." More


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